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How to succeed in music with training from a mentor

Written by on May 21, 2016

Have you been thinking about starting a career in music for a while, but aren’t sure what to do to get started? If the answer is “yes,” then you are definitely not alone. In fact, this is a common problem among almost every musician who wants to start a career in music and become a professional in the music industry. That said, the majority of musicians become frustrated due to a lack of knowledge about the industry and give up on their dreams of pursuing a “stable” non-music career. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to end the same way for you.

The key to starting a career in music and becoming successful is finding a great mentor who has already achieved the highest level of success in the music industry. In most cases, just being with someone in the music business who knows a lot more than you does is very beneficial. That said, if you are able to not only be “with” someone like this, but also receive direct advice from them on your own music career challenges, your potential success as a professional musician will increase MASSIVELY!

To show you what I mean, think about global basketball star Michael Jordan. Even if you’re not a basketball fan, chances are you’ve heard about the incredible success Jordan has achieved throughout his career. Over the course of about two decades, Jordan became known as one of the best athletes of all time (in any sport) by breaking countless records, winning numerous championships, and winning a LOT of money. money thanks to his playing salary (not to mention endorsements, shoe sales and other means). On his own, Jordan was certainly a very talented athlete; However, he did not reach the summit alone. At every point in his legendary career, Jordan continually received guidance, coaching and training from numerous mentors, both within and outside of basketball. As a result, he was able to turn his incredible natural acting ability into something truly unforgettable. In fact, this situation is not exclusive to Michael Jordan: any athlete who has ever achieved incredible success has always maintained a connection with a mentor even after winning major titles, awards or medals.

Similar to Michael Jordan, if you are starting a career in music, it is absolutely essential that you find a great coach, trainer, or mentor who can help you leverage your natural abilities so that you can achieve the greatest success possible in your musical career. To make the process of choosing a mentor much easier for you, I’ve written down the top 3 traits your mentor should possess in order to help you start and maintain a successful career in music:

1. Already very successful in the music business and is able to help you resolve any issues that are standing in the way of achieving your music career goals.

Starting a musical career is often a very frustrating experience for most musicians. Although there is plenty of information online about the music industry; most of it is intended for use by the general music community. As a result, you may have specific questions about your own challenges in your music career, but no specific answers to help you address them. Additionally, the music industry information you find online doesn’t help you understand the difference between “useful” information and information that no longer applies to most musicians or doesn’t apply to you in your own musical career. This is why it is absolutely essential that you find a mentor who understands the inner workings of the music industry and has already built a successful career understanding these things.

When you have access to personalized advice from such a person, you will be able to quickly resolve any problems that arise in your music career. This will give you the opportunity to approach a career in music with a clear understanding of what exactly needs to be done to achieve your personal goals.

2. Has already helped many other musicians achieve their highest music career goals (and has proof!).

In order to build a career in music, you won’t need to complete a college program, be “certified” or take mandatory tests. This is something that sets the music industry apart from other industries. That said, it’s very easy for amateur musicians to claim expertise when in reality, they haven’t accomplished anything significant in their own careers. It is very important that your music mentor is able to give you reliable, accurate and useful advice that is truly effective in building a successful music career.

A reliable method to determine if a mentor can actually help you in your music career is to observe the success of the musicians they currently work with or who have worked with them in the past. A mentor who can actually help you succeed in a music career won’t necessarily need to tell you that directly. Instead, it will be evident because of the overwhelming amount of positive feedback he receives from current (or past) musicians who have worked with this mentor and found success in music. In the music business, it takes a long time to build a positive reputation. If you find a mentor with a reputation for getting big results from many musicians, chances are they can do the same for you. Be sure to check this by looking for reviews, testimonials, or general comments on your mentor’s website or other places online.

As someone who has personally trained many people to become successful professional musicians, I cannot stress enough the importance of finding a mentor when pursuing a career in music. The fact is, I wouldn’t be where I am today in the music business without the help of my current and former mentors. Don’t make the mistake of trying to figure everything out in the music business on your own. This is the same thing that so many musicians do, and this is why most of them DON’T succeed with a successful music career. Benefit from training, coaching and advice from an excellent mentor now and reach your full potential as a professional musician.

3. Has the ability to pay attention to the small details of your music career while helping you stay on track to achieve your long-term goals.

For many musicians, one of the biggest challenges is staying on track to achieve their long-term music career goals. These musicians will often be distracted by things that don’t really matter to their success and will spend too much time on unimportant details or activities. Most often, it is believed that developing a successful music career requires great musical skills. While improving your musical skills is important, there are many more factors to your success as a professional musician. It is important that you create an effective strategy to achieve your musical goals and stay focused on achieving it. One of the worst things that can happen to you (I see it all the time!) is that you invest many years of your life into music, only to fail because you didn’t pursue what REALLY mattered.

When looking for your mentor, you need to make sure that this person understands how to develop highly effective strategies to help you achieve your music career goals as quickly as possible. With this in mind, it’s possible that even with the right strategy in place, you’ll still be distracted, confused, or uncertain throughout your music career. Your mentor should also be able to instantly spot when these things are happening for you and know how to help you overcome any momentary problems so you can continue on the path to your goals.

Tom Hess is an online guitar instructor, music career mentor, and guitarist for the band Rhapsody Of Fire. He trains and mentors people around the world on how to develop a successful music career. Take this music career coach assessment to see if working with a music career mentor is the right decision for you.

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