Radio WEB

Radio WEB

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Who are we

Who are we?

Welcome to the Maison des Jeunes de Douar Hicher, the place founded in 2017 to be a vital center providing support and opportunities to young people in the region.

Our mission

The Douar Hicher Youth Center aims to empower young people and strengthen their positive role in society by providing them with a supportive environment that encourages learning and personal development .

Our activities

Our activities are varied and include workshops, social events, sports and the arts. We encourage young people to actively participate and learn new skills. Our center has many exciting clubs, such as the Dance Club, Youth Coffee Club, TV and Media Club, Music Club, Sports Entertainment Club and Drama Club.</p >

Our financing

La Maison de la Jeunesse de Douar Hicher is proud to benefit from the support of the United States Agency for International Development, which contributes to the achievement of our objectives and the delivery of our services efficiently. This funding notably enabled the renovation of the web TV room, which is now equipped with modern, cutting-edge equipment.

Our affiliation

The Youth House of Douar Hicher is affiliated with the youth and sports delegation of the province of Manouba, which reports to the ministry of youth and sports. /p>

Our website is supported by the “MA3AN” program implemented by the FHI 360 organization.

Our facilities

The Maison de la Jeunesse de Douar Hicher has modern and well-equipped facilities to meet the different needs of young people, to provide an ideal environment for learning and communication .


Radio WEB

Radio WEB

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